24 February 2009

Going Out In Style

"They say the greatest tragedy is when a father outlives his son; I've never fully understood why that is.  Frankly, I can see an upside to it." - Abe "Grandpa" Simpson

Futurama, the longer surviving of the two Simpsons spin-offs, ends today, more or less on its own terms.  It was cancelled back in 2003 but strong reruns on cable got it brought back for 4 direct to DVD movies (each of which is comprised of four episodes condensed together), the final one of which, Into the Wild Green Yonder, came out today.  

Whatever one thinks of the show (I happen to be a fan, but that's just me), it, unlike Zombie Simpsons, has an ending.  Into the Wild Green Yonder has a "series finale" feel to it, ties things up at the end, and is a pretty decent way to send off a beloved television show.  Pointless debates will never rage back and forth about when the show went to hell, or if its even still funny.  It was on; it was loved; it will be missed; and it will live forever in reruns and home video.  

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